Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Chinease theory of discovery of America Essay

T here(predicate) be many theories or ideas on who disc all everywhereed America first. many a(prenominal) stack conceptualize it was Christopher capital of Ohio, the Vikings, or in my case virtually believe that the Chinese arrived here before capital of Ohio. It is believed by some(a) spate that Chinese sailors beat capital of Ohio to America by more than 70 years. Anthropologists, archaeologists, historians and linguists lay down debunked or out control much of the severalize that has been ga thered over the years to support this guess. It has been named the 1421 Theory.It is said that sometime(prenominal) 10,000 years ago, the people from China are believed to have crossed over the Bering set down bridge from Siberia to what is now Alaska. From there, they are believed to have spread out over the cart track of millennia. Once they got here they started diverging genetically and populating North and South America. The problem is that the wholly real evidence they ha ve is maps and some artifacts, which from carbon dating trace buttocks to 2200 B. C. These generally have been found on the coasts of Florida, South Carolina, revolutionary York and Canada. Many people believe this surmise due to evidence found, like artifacts and maps.Also many people were convinced by books written by scientists, archeologists, and historians. One of these books is 1421 The Year China observe America, by Gavin Menzies. It is said that he tells and describes the opening so well. I do believe that it could be possible that China arrived here before Columbus but there are many holes in the theory according to some historians. But over all I do non believe that they beat columbus to the Americas. there just isnt enough establishment and any kind of written or physical evidence to show or prove to me in any instruction that they were for sure here about 70 years before Christopher Columbus.So I would have to turn down this theory due to the lack of proof given . Citations Chinese cartography China beat Columbus to it, perhaps The Economist. The Economist macrocosm News, Politics, Economics, bank line & Finance. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Sept. 2013. . Clark, Josh. HowStuffWorks Did the Chinese beat Columbus to America? . HowStuffWorks History. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Sept. 2013. . Kolesnikov-Jessop, Sonia. Did Chinese beat out Columbus? The New York Times. The New York Times Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Sept. 2013. .

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