Saturday, August 31, 2019

Health Lesson Plan Life, Loss, and Relationships

Teacher pacing will vary depending upon the students' ability to grasp the material. Repeat, rephrase, and review material to ensure student comprehension. Teachers must be motivating and enthusiastic. Students respond well to verbal praise and your enthusiasm. Teachers must use firm and consistent behavior management techniques. Make sure that students are seated in their assigned seats. Group C seating chart is posted on the wall as you enter the door. (right hand side of the door) Students explored interpersonal relationships in their 7th grade Health class (developing and maintaining).Currently in their Language Arts class, students are exploring the topics of loss and interpersonal relationships. During this exploration they have read/ viewed/discussed: the novels Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Bait and Bridge to Terrestrial, by Katherine Paterson, several short stories from the text Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul, by Jack Canfield, and the film The Last Lecture, by Randy Bausc h. Today's lesson will be an interdisciplinary presentation that will encompass the material that they have studied in their Language Arts class.Therefore, students will build upon prior knowledge of loss and interpersonal relationships that they aimed in their 7th grade Health class and current 8th grade Language Arts class. In their Language Arts class, several of the students discussed their experience with the death off relative, friend, or pet, and the impact of this loss on their life. Those students who have not personally experienced the death of a person have exposure based upon the impact of a death in a movie or book, or of a TV character.Today's lesson will require them to examine other types of losses they have experienced which were not related to death, as well as the impact of these losses upon their relationships and lives. The students will examine the concept of loss of the assumptive world today and share emotions that are associated with loss. This lesson lays t he foundation for an in-depth week of the examination of loss and leads into the suicide prevention and bullying units.As such, teachers must be prepared to address sensitive personal issues, as well as make the appropriate referrals to the guidance department regarding potential or current student concerns/ apprehensions. Observe students closely while you are presenting the lesson and allow students that appear overwhelmed due to a recent death, to leave the room. These students may report to the guidance office. The guidance counselors are aware of this possible situation and are available to assist students.The class consists of 25 students and reflect the following demographics: 15 girls ( 5 girls have PEPS) 10 boys (3 boys have Peps) 2 students with Autism (Mary and Jack) Mary and Jack may need you to re-explain information and directions. They both have limited comprehension but are capable of completing exercises with assistance. Ask them to repeat the directions and summari ze the material after you review it with them. Check to make sure that they are completing the exercises correctly. 2 students with ADD (Tom and Jim) Make sure these students are seated in their assigned seats at the front of the room.Give each student a stress ball to hold during the class lecture and activities. (They should not play with the ball and they will return it before leaving. ) Also, allow them to pass out or collect papers and materials when possible. Being a helper is an affective incentive for helping them to stay focused on the lesson. This also gives them an opportunity to move around in an orderly fashion. However, they will do well even if that don't have many opportunities to move. Just make sure that they are seated in their assigned seats and have their stress balls. Student who is a diabetic can) Jan may request to visit the health room. Please allow her to leave immediately. Upon returning to the class, Jan should work on the current class work. Missed assig nments can be made up before the period ends or during the next class period. Remind Jan that she may also complete work in the Special Education office during her lunch period or after school. 1 student with limited writing ability (Alice) Allow Alice to type BPCS, Ecru, and essays on the computer. Make sure that he receives the modified worksheet and class notes that are labeled with her name for other class assignments. For some assignments, such as group work, Alice will not require a modified worksheet. She will not be the designated writer for the group activity. She is an excellent speaker, and will serve as the group presenter. Check to make sure that she performs this role in the group, when appropriate. 1 student who has a Behavior Intervention Plan(Blip) (Sam) Sam will often become bored and/or non-compliant and throw items on the floor. Give him a verbal warning if he exhibits this behavior. He is a very intelligent young ND is capable of performing the assignments witho ut exhibiting this kind man of behavior.In accordance with his BPI, if he continues to exhibit inappropriate behavior or is non- complaint after the verbal warning, send him to the main office immediately. Also, make sure that he is handling the art supplies appropriately. Review the accommodations folders. Give students the opportunity to access accommodations noted on their Peps. If the student does not want to utilize their accommodation, allow them to complete the assignment in class. Please document this information. Goals, Objectives, Key Focus Questions Goal(s): MASC. 1. : Students will demonstrate the ability to use mental and emotional health knowledge, skills, and strategies to enhance wellness. FPS HE. 800. 10: Students will gain knowledge and skills that lead to an understanding of self and one's relationships with others. FPS HE 800. 10. 01: Students will explore ways to express emotions. Objective(s): Students will be able to (SWABS): Describe how feelings and behavior affect and are affected by interpersonal relationships. Discuss the impact of rejection, separation , or loss of friends or family members, Discuss the impact of the loss of personal belongings and dreams.Identify appropriate methods for self-expression Key Focus Question(s): (Reflect the objective (s). 1. Why do feelings and behaviors affect your relationships with other people? 2. What kinds of losses do teenagers experience? 3. How does the loss make you feel? How do you act? 4 What happens as a result of these losses? (How does your life change? ) 5. How do teenagers cope with the losses that they experience? (What do you do or don't do? ) 6. Do adults recognize and understand the impact of teenage losses? 7. How can you express your emotions appropriately and comfortably?Materials and Resources (Should be high quality, scientifically-based; meaningful technology use) Materials/ Resources: I Wish I Could Work Sheet Health and Loss Packet: Assumptive World Graphic Organizer (Com pleted Handout) Tuck Everlasting Graphic Organizers (2) Teenagers and Loss Graphic Organizer Teens Talk: Letter to the Editor (Group Activity) Teens Talk : Suggestion/Note Sheet (Independent) Teen Time Enrichment Activities Teen Time: Last Words to My Best Friend (Homework Assignment) Teen Loss Exit Pass Life and Loss: a guide to help grieving children by Linda Goldman (Teacher Resource)Living through loss; Interventions across the life span by R. Homonym and B. J. Kramer (Teacher Resource) Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Bait Bridge to Terrestrial by Katherine Patterson Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul by Jack Canfield The Last Lecture (movie) by Randy Bausch Art Supplies (Poster paper, construction paper, markers, colored pencils, scissors, rulers, and glue) Technology: Computer/Screen (Teacher) Computers (Enrichment Activities) 1 Lap Top Computer (for Alice) LESSON ACTIVITY Instructional Delivery Notes regarding â€Å"Groupings† (Group C- 5 separate Group CSS, numbered 1-5) 1 .Group C- Cooperative Learning Groups Students are evenly dispersed based upon their abilities. They enjoy working in their assigned groups. Students are cooperative, supporting of each group member, and usually on task during each activity. At the end of the activities, the class will vote to select group awards that are based upon cooperation, participation, voice control (volume), task completion, and respect. Teachers will also participate in the voting process. Each group receives a prize (first through fifth). Students enjoy this incentive and work hard to receive 1st place.Prizes are raying amounts of free computer time for each group member or one homework pass for each group member. This selection will be made at the end of this weeks lessons. 2. We use this grouping frequently and students are aware of their assigned seats. 3. A seating chart is posted on the side wall (as you enter the room) which includes each student's picture above their name. Also, students have a lis t of groupings. 4. With the exception of Jan and Jack, our students with autism, the six students listed in the class demographic notes (Mary, Jack, Tom, Jim, Alice, and different groups. Sam), are in 5.Both Jan and Jack, our students with autism, are in the same group. Prior to this activity, they worked with the speech pathologist and gained an understanding of the concepts of death and loss. Continue to monitor their understanding, but they should be able to participate in today's exercises with minimal assistance. Therefore, please do not enable them. Warm-up/Engagement: The teacher will greet the students as they enter the room, and hand them the â€Å"l Wish I Could Worksheet†. The teacher will instruct the students to complete this worksheet independently and to seat in their Group C assigned seats. These erections are also written on the front board. ) â€Å"l Wish I Could† (Worksheet) Complete prompt 1 or prompt 2. You can state your true feelings. You will no t be required to share your answer with the class. Prompt #1: The alarm clock Just went off. Oh no, it's good old Monday morning, back to school. I wish I could Prompt #2: I keep trying to explain to everyone what's going on, but no one is listening. They Just keep telling me what they think, what they feel, and what I should do. Does anyone even care what I think, how I feel, or what I want to do? After 5 minutes, collect the warm-ups.One of the teachers should review the warm-ups. When appropriate, make student referrals to Guidance/Special Education Departments or parent contacts. Instructional Delivery: Direct Instruction 1. Introduce today's lesson: Inform the students that: Today we will examine the affect of loss on our behaviors, interpersonal relationships, dreams, and life. We will also discuss ways that we can express our feelings about loss that is both comfortable and appropriate for teenagers. If you begin to feel overwhelmed as we continue our discussions, please tell one of your teachers.Now, I know that you have discussed the topic of loss that is related to death in your Language Arts classes, but there are other types of losses that you experience and I believe that we don't usually take the time to examine these losses. Each of you read short stories from the book, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul, and those stories talked about real life situations that teenagers cope with. Is that a correct statement? (Wait for a response, ex. Yes, nod, and then continue. ) Well, I want to introduce a new term to you, which is the assumptive world. (Write the term on the board. Does anyone have any idea of what this means? And please think about the root word assume. Wait for a response and acknowledge answers. ) Introduce Concept of Loss of the Assumptive World. (Complete a graphic organizer with the class as you explain the concept. ) Well, first the assumptive world is every hope, dream, desire, and belief that you have for your life. It is simply how you believe your life should be now and in the future. It is the heart of what we believe those beliefs that keep us stable and working toward our goals. Now of course, these beliefs are influenced by what you learn and what you experience.For example, we assume each morning everyone will: Wake up. Take a shower. Get dressed. Eat breakfast. Go to school or work. But we never assume that we won't wake up. We never assume that we won't be able to get dressed by ourselves. We never assume that we won't be able to continue our daily routines. So, we assume that our assumptive world will not change. However, when our assumptive world does change, we use the term Loss of the Assumptive World to express these changes in how we think our world should be. Check for understanding. K. Please give me a thumbs-up if you understand the term Loss of the Assumptive World. Re-explain the term if you don't have a 100% of the students wowing of thumbs-up. ) Wonderful! (Be sure to praise students, get them motivated, and engaged by stating expressions of positive reinforcement. They respond well to your enthusiasm. ) Guided Practice/Modeling 2. Introduce the Health and Loss Packet (Mr.. Jones, the co-teacher will walk around and monitor student progress and the assistance as needed. During the 3rd class session, Mr.. Jones will lead students in their independent research on teenage losses. ) Now, today you will complete a group activity that deals with teenage losses. Mr..Jones is giving you your Health and Loss Packet for today. Oh, I believe that everyone now has their packet. Wonderful! Now, turn to page 1 of your packets and you will see the Assumptive World Graphic Organizer that I Just completed with you. Next, turn to page 2, which has the Tuck Everlasting Organizer. Let's review this together. After reviewing the organizer, tell the student to turn to page 4 in their packet, which is entitled Teenagers and Loss. Tell the students, â€Å"We will now complete this graphic organizer together. Fill in your organizer as I write the answers down. † (Use the computer to type the answers.Zoom in at 200 to enlarge the print for the students. Using the model provided, scaffold responses and record short answers for the students to copy. Print a copy of the completed graphic organizer for Alice. Make sure that you remind her to Just focus on the lesson and you her will give a typed copy later. ) Ask the students, â€Å"What other losses do teenagers experience today? Think about your personal lives, your friends, the characters in the Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul short stories, the characters in Bridge to Terrestrial novel, and Randy Pouch's story from his move The Last Lecture†.Call on students and list their responses on the graphic organizer. Student responses could include friends, home, parents, relatives, relationships, pets, safety, summer Jobs, favorite or special object, self-respect, self-esteem, and physical abilities). Encourage responses by relating a personal experience such as, â€Å"um†¦ In 6th grade I remember one of my teachers telling me that I would always be a poor reader. From that day on I believed this until my 7th grade teacher told me the she was very proud of my reading progress and to keep up the good work. Has anything like this ever happened to you? (Wait for students to respond. ) Compliment the students on their responses†¦ Ex . Great ideas!! Now, how do you feel when you experience a loss? For example, when my 6th grade teacher told me that I would always be a poor reader, I felt angry and sad. I wanted to just hide somewhere, but I was also mad because she destroyed my dream of going to college. So, tell me, what you felt or how you felt when you experienced a loss? Give the student a chance to respond. Type the emotions on the computer and display the answers for everyone to see. Possible answers might be: angry, sad, mad, hurt, lonely, afraid, scared, confused, depressed, and helpless. ) Encourage the students: These are very honest responses. I know that sometimes it is difficult to talk about loss, but thank you for doing such a fantastic Job. It is very important for each of us to express what we feel and how we feel. Today, you have been emotional champions, and I am very proud of you. Hopefully this experience has given you a way to express your emotions by calmly and truthfully saying how you feel and what you are thinking.Give me thumbs up how loss can impact you and why you need to express those feelings. Nice! (Be sure to check for a response from every student and validate their acknowledgement. ) Now we will begin our last activity, which is a roof activity. This activity is another way that you can express your feelings calmly and truthfully. Since you are already seated in your Group C areas, please turn your desk to form a circle. Also, we will vote on group awards at the end of this week. As a class, tell me what the awards are based on? (Students responses should be cooperation, participation, voice control (volume), task completion, and respect.And what are the prizes? (Students response should be free computer time or home work pass for each person). Wonderful! I am sure that this will be another challenging awards selection! Mr.. Jones, I believe that they are ready for their independent activity. Mrs.. Whey, I think they are burning with anticipation! Well, we have an exciting activity planned, so let's get started! It's time for Teen Talk! Independent Practice 3. Draft Letter to the editor (Glasswork). Last words to your best friend (Homework). Briefly review the direction with the students.Now let's review your Homework assignment first. Turn to page 11 and I will read the prompt and directions to you. Read the prompt: You and one of your parents are flying to Africa for a vacation. You have been dreaming about the trip for weeks. Suddenly, you hear the pilot's voice, â€Å"†¦ The plane is very low on fuel and we are making a crash landing†¦ † You stop listening and begin to wonder if you will die in the crash. You thoughts are racing and you frantically try to write a few lines to your best friend. In these final moments, what final words would you leave your best friend?What losses would run through your mind (dreams, plans, family, etc)? What words of wisdom or thoughts would you leave behind? How could your encourage your best friend to enjoy life without you? (Think about how Jess felt when Leslie died in Bridge to Terrestrial. What suggestion (s) would you give your friend to make sure that they express their feelings and emotions? Write a letter to your friend. Be sure to include answers to the questions stated above. You may write or type your letter. Now, the homework assignment is very similar to your group activity.Are there any questions about the homework? (Answer questions. ) Nice listening! You will need to take the Homework Sheet home to complete the assignment, so place this sheet in your backpack now. Please remember that the homework is an independent activity and this assignment is posted on our school web site. Alright teens, let's get move ND groove!†¦ On to the Groovy Group Work! Now, please turn to page 5 in your packet entitled Teens Talk: Loss, Relationships, and Life. Using the forms provided, you will write an informal letter to the editor about teen loss.You may use the graphic organizers that we completed today for this assignment. This is a group project and Recorder Number 3 will write the letter for the group. Other group members may use their packet to record notes or comments about the group discussion. As usual, each person must have at least one suggestion on their sheet that they presented to the group. Remember that this is Just a draft of your letter. You will have time to make changes/ corrections, and additions during our next class. Don't worry if you do not finish your letter today.You will have time to finish your draft and/or write your final copy tomorrow. Listen while I read the directions for this exercise. Write a letter to the editor about a loss, difficulty, or a crisis situation that teens experience today. Be sure to include how the teens feel and possible ways that others could help teens with these concerns. Use the key focus questions stated below to help you formulate or think of a response. Also, refer to your graphic organizers for Teen Loss and Tuck Everlasting. Remember, this is simply your opinion. They are no incorrect answers.This is your opportunity to state how you feel, what you think, and what you believe. Key Focus Question(s): (Reflect the objective (s). 1. Why do feelings and behaviors affect your relationships with other people? 2. What kinds of losses do teenagers experience? 3. How does the loss make you feel? How do you act? Losses? (How does your life change? ) 4 What happens as a result of these 5. How do teenagers cope with the losses tha t they experience? (What do you do or don't do? ) 6. Do adults recognize and understand the impact of teenage losses? 7. How can you express your emotions appropriately and comfortably?Now, let the talking and writing begin!! Check for Understanding: Ask the students if they have any questions. Answer questions. Instruct the students to begin the draft letter. Walk around the room and make sure that the students are on task and participating in the group activity. Closure: 1. Instruct the students to complete the Teenage Loss exit card that is in their packet. Question: What loss of your assumptive world has affected you the most and why? 2. Students will place the exit card and their packet in their Class EXIT Basket as they leave Time 5 min. The classroom.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Partisan polarization in the congress Essay

The statement saying that the Policymaking in Congress has been increasingly plagued by Partisan Polarization is very true. To support this fact we can have a look at the evidences available to us in the form of the chaos and uneven passing of the bills. Actually, each year the Congress is expected to pass nearly 13 bills, which funds the operation of the federal government. It should be written, debated and then be passed in both the houses and get the consent signature of the president. If this does not happens than the government is expected to have shut down. Thus, a regular movement of these bills year after year proves the proper procedures confirmation working in the Congress. Its movement helps in studying the members behavior overtime and how changes in preferences affect the legislative body in the law making process. Partisan Polarization in the Congress: By Partisan we mean a one-sided or biased decision making of some people like the politicians in the interest of their own party without taking into view of the national interest. Polarization is a move that these political parties make from centrist to extreme political positions. The motive behind partisan polarization is not just to keep an issue before the legislature but to gain the faith of a definite section of society so that they cast vote in their favor during the upcoming elections. For instance, A Muslim supporting lobby in the Congress always supports the decision-makings in the favor of most Muslim countries. Like a lobby of Muslims in the Congress always cast their vote in favor of giving Pakistan, huge chunk of financial aid. In the recent days, one more Partisan Polarization has been seen in the President’s comment. Through out the ruling period the President of United States, George Bush, has been supporting India on nuclear issues, but during the end of his reign he came under the pressure of Partisan polarization and announced Indian middle class as the root cause of Inflation in the whole world. His stand was that Indian middle class is getting wealthier day by day, and their number is much more than the whole population of United States. But the fact is that Indians faces more problems regarding malnutrition, millions of people do not even get all three times meal. While the corn used in United States to make petrol can feed a whole family for one year. The percentage of wastage of food and other items is much more as compared to Indians. Thus here temper flares and partisan spirit provokes new hostility among the Indians and the Americans, raising up people who have patience and restraints. Thus these kinds of statement increases partisan polarization in United States. Causes of Partisan Polarization in the United States: A number of causes of partisan polarization have been observed in the United States. Among them the most common are as follows. A. Ethnic or religious violence. That is a not so note worthy issue is highlighted again and again to get the benefit in the upcoming elections. For instance, the scandal of Bill Clinton came before the public during his upcoming election campaign. It shows clearly that the issue of ethics was highlighted with the view to destroy the image of Bill Clinton, aiming him to loose elections. Similarly if a religious attack occur between two sects than the political leaders does not act as negotiators but as the leg puller’s which in turn results in more violence, distrust and spread hatred. B. Counter-violence that may occur in reaction to the ethnic violence or religious violence. In case a sect of society has suffered due to religious violence and the ruling party is still quite than the result in increased anger among the people and the counter violence emerges resulting in chaos in the area. C. Political leaders aiming to win next election make such comments which flair a feeling of unhappiness or may even result in anger between the two parties, countries or two sections of society. The main motive is still to get more votes and not the benefit of any section of society. D. Changes in electoral system, made by the ruling party, also become the cause of partisan polarization. Actually by doing this, an attempt is made to benefit a section of society supporters than the median voter. United States is a country wherein people from around the world come in search of food, job and wealth. Either its Asian or African, Either European or Latin American every country resident wants to come to United States to test his/her fate. Due to this reason the population of the migrants has been increasing in the United States. The result is that these migrants try to make their own lobby in the Congress. Every sect of society tries to preserve its own interest leaving behind the national issues and profit of the nation. And the political leader becomes the puppet in their hands and tries to achieve their macro level goals. Therefore to preserve the interest various group of people a lobby of every country, caste or religion has made its own place in the Congress of the United States. So, whenever a policy making body starts working, each lobby tries to effect the decision making process. The purpose is to mend it as much as it benefits their specific interest. Â  The fact is that due to different parties and their different ideologies, every party wants to impose its own will and shape the upcoming legislative decision as per their own comfort. Ideologies of the political parties leading to partisan polarization: The Ideologies of the major two political parties has also become the root cause of partisan polarization in the United States. The Republicans are always in favor of controlling the international politics through their imperialist thinking. While the other big political party, the Democrats wants to see the whole world changing in to a democratic state. And to achieve their goals both the political parties takes such decision which were not necessarily required but in turn results in a heavy loss of men and money to the country. During the reign of Bill Clinton (Democrat President), a lot of financial aid was given to Asian countries to bring Democracy in their countries. Pakistan military cue, Nepal Maoist movement etc all were discouraged by the president of United States and money was spent in the form of financial aid to force these countries to bring back democracy. On the other side, George Bush (Republican President), made country fought the battle in Afghanistan, Iraq and now playing mind games with Iran. Â  The result was again loss of money and this time loss of men too. Due to this over expenditure on the treasury of United States, the country is facing many financial problems. The stock market has depreciated, Inflation rise up, slow down in the progress of the country has been confirmed. And now the over expenditure has resulted in lesser money available to take the country of this problem. The increasing prices of daily commodities are also adding fuel against the present government. The other problems faced by the country is rising unemployment and depleting standard of living of the common people. All this and more may be expected just because the ideologies of these political parties and politicians do not think for Americans. Effects of Partisan Polarization: The result of partisan polarization is that major decisions for the necessary progress of the country has to face unnecessary delays. The legislative assembly has to face major set backs while framing different policies. The policy makers also faces difficulties in bringing out the legislation as the lobbies in the house effects adversely the movement of the bill, and delay in passing of the specific may prove futile. The 13 appropriations or the spending bills that needs to be passed swiftly, faces difficulty to pass in both the houses, especially the Senate. Not only that there are rumors in the general public regarding bribery taking of the elected members of the legislative for delaying or hindering the progress of certain bills. The politicians are mainly considered responsible by the public for making unnecessary delays in the policy-making framework and slowing down process of passing bills. Some people even think that these delay-making politicians has taken bribes from the enemies of the country so as to slow down the progress of the nation. Thus the loosing faith of the public is another result of Partisan polarization. Wastage of time and money is another result of Partisan Polarization. The limited time of session of Congress gets wasted due to unnecessary delays. And finally the president gets the power to sign the bill without proper discussion in both the houses. Not only that, a lot of money also gets wasted due to unnecessary delays in the decision making process. Solutions to end Partisan polarization: To end the Partisan Polarization, the Brookings Institution along with the Hoover Institution will host a discussion on partisan polarization in the United States and its effect on foreign policy on 30th November 2008. This way this institution will try to figure out the root causes and the possible solutions to this problem. The politician’s mistakes will be highlighted and kept before the Congress and solutions will be discussed. The solution to this problem is through arising of the feeling among the countrymen regarding country’s first and people later type of feeling in the politicians. Politicians must understand that the interest of the nation is much, much more important that there personal interest. And if by any way their interest has to face some drawbacks than in that case making lobbies and bringing obstacles in the way of passing a specific bill may prove to be anti-national step. So if you have to give up something for your beloved country than kindly don’t hesitate and take time in doing so as you owe a lot the country. Congress has also resorted to new measures to ensure the passage of bills to be easier and faster. Firstly it has packaged the bill in the form of Omnibus, so as to broaden their base of support and easier movement in both the houses. Secondly, the number of earmarks has also been increased, so as to provide an additional support for the safe and quick passage of the bill. Normally this Omnibus bill is not meant towards the majority party preference than other spending bills in the past. Reason being the final product needs to be negotiated with president and needs the prior approval of the president. But in case of Unified government, Omnibus bills actually do provide opportunity for Partisan polarization for the majority party that can enact its own preference in the lawmaking process. The politicians responsible for making unnecessary delays should not be allowed to sit and vote in the Congress meeting. He/she should be asked to get re-elected and prove his/her true position at that point of time. Also a lesson regarding a responsibility towards the country and the countrymen should be given to all the politicians. Making Pamphlets, social meetings and other methods can do this. By improving the policy makers we can expect the bills to be passed easier and the country in the direction of progress. Also through legislation, a bill should be passed to avoid any unnecessary delays in the bills of national importance. Any politician trying to bring undue hindrance in the way of such important bill should not get the right to vote for that certain bill. Conclusion: There is certainly no point in loosing time and money due to partisan polarization. The progress of country should be considered more important than a person’s own interest. Moreover the politicians of today should realize their mistakes and that they should not forget their responsibility towards the country and the countrymen in wake of earning more and more money. Number of solutions are tried to make an attempt to the problem of partisan polarization but until whole nation unites and speaks against it collectively there won’t be any benefit coming out of it.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A fashionista

I think the most important lesson is this: no matter how hard things get or what horrible stuff happens to you, nobody's going to cut you any slack. If you have to grieve, you need repair your torn up life, or you're not perfect because you went through traumatic events in your childhood, it doesn't matter. You're held to the same standards as everyone else, even if things were tough for you. On one hand, this is kind of horrible. Grief and hardship shouldn't be the sort of thing you have to handle on your own.Everyone needs help. But really, you can't expect the world to wait for you to get better. Everyone else has tough times coming their way or things they've had to deal with before. Some have it much worse than others, but you're dealt the hand you're dealt. Have empathy and help others, but understand that pretty much nobody will cut you much of a break?and a small one if they do?if you have a hardship. You can learn on your friends and family for help, but you can't lean on th e rest of the world. You have to show strength and persevere.As someone who has gone through a lot of tough stuff, I'm not going to pretend it makes you better all- around. I'm still damaged in some ways, but I'm a lot stronger than others. Some parts of life are always going to be a struggle, but when you've struggled you don't get so intimidated by a challenge. I think the most important lesson is this: no matter how hard things get or what horrible stuff happens to you, nobody's going to cut you any slack. If you have to grieve, you need repair your torn up life, or you're not perfect cause you went through traumatic events in your childhood, it doesn't matter.You're held to the same standards as everyone else, even if things were tough for you. On one hand, this is kind of horrible. Grief and hardship shouldn't be the sort of thing you have to handle on your own. Everyone needs help. But really, you can't expect the world to wait for you to get better. Everyone else has tough ti mes coming their way or things they've had to deal with before. Some have it much worse than others, but you're dealt the hand you're dealt. Have empathy and help others, but understand that pretty much nobody will cut you much of a break?and a small one if they do?if you have a hardship.You can learn on your friends and family for help, but you can't lean on the rest of the world. You have to show strength and persevere. As someone who has gone through a lot of tough stuff, I'm not going to pretend it makes you better all-around. I'm still damaged in some ways, but I'm a lot stronger than others. Some parts of life are always going to be a struggle, but when you've struggled you don't get so intimidated by a challenge. I think the most important Essen is this: no matter how hard things get or what horrible stuff happens to you, nobody's going to cut you any slack.If you have to grieve, you need repair your torn up life, or you're not perfect because you went through traumatic event s in your childhood, it doesn't matter. You're held to the same standards as everyone else, even if things were tough for you. On one hand, this is kind of horrible. Grief and hardship shouldn't be the sort of thing you have to handle on your own. Everyone needs help. But really, you can't expect the world to wait for you to get better. Everyone else has tough times coming their way or things they've had to deal with before.Some have it much worse than others, but you're dealt the hand you're dealt. Have empathy and help others, but understand that pretty much nobody will cut you much of a break?and a small one if they do?if you have a hardship. You can learn on your friends and family for help, but you can't lean on the rest of the world. You have to show strength and persevere. As someone who has gone through a lot of tough stuff, I'm not going to pretend it makes you better all-around. I'm still damaged in some ways, but I'm a lot stronger than others.Some parts of life are alway s going to be a struggle, but when you've struggled you don't get so intimidated by a challenge. I think the most important lesson is this: no matter how hard things get or what horrible stuff happens to you, nobody's going to cut you any slack. If you have to they've had to deal with before. Some have it much worse than others, but you're parts of life are always going to be a struggle, but when you've struggled you don't struggled you don't get so intimidated by a challenge. A fashionista I think the most important lesson is this: no matter how hard things get or what horrible stuff happens to you, nobody's going to cut you any slack. If you have to grieve, you need repair your torn up life, or you're not perfect because you went through traumatic events In your childhood, It doesn't matter. You're held to the same standards as everyone else, even If things were tough for you. On one hand, this Is kind of horrible. Grief and hardship shouldn't be the sort of thing you have to handle on your own.Everyone needs help. But really, you can't expect the world to wait for you to get better. Everyone else has tough times coming their way or things they've had to deal with before. Some have it much worse than others, but you're dealt the hand you're dealt. Have empathy and help others, but understand that pretty much nobody will cut you much of a break?and a small one if they do?if you have a hardship. You can learn on your friends and family for help, but you can't lean on th e rest of the world. You have to show strength and persevere.As someone who has gone through a lot of tough stuff, I'm not going to pretend it makes you better all- around. I'm still damaged In some ways, but I'm a lot stronger than others. Some parts of life are always going to be a struggle, but when you've struggled you don't get so Intimidated by a challenge. I think the most Important lesson Is this: no matter how hard things get or what horrible stuff happens to you, nobody's going to cut you any slack. If you have to grieve, you need repair your torn up life, or you're not perfect cause you went through traumatic events in your childhood, it doesn't matter.You're held to the same standards as everyone else, even if things were tough for you. On one hand, this is kind of horrible. Grief and hardship shouldn't be the sort of thing you have to handle on your own. Everyone needs help. But really, you can't expect the world to wait for you to get better. Everyone else has tough ti mes coming their way or things they've had to deal with before. Some have it much worse than others, but you're dealt the hand you're dealt. Have empathy and help others, but understand that pretty much nobody will cut you much of a break?and a small one If they do?elf you have a hardship.You can learn on your friends and family for help, but you can't lean on the rest of the world. You have to show strength and persevere. As someone who has gone through a lot of tough stuff, I'm not going to pretend it makes you better all-around. I'm still damaged in some ways, but I'm a lot stronger than others. Some parts of life are always going to be a struggle, but when you've struggled you don't get so intimidated by a challenge. I think the most important Essen is this: no matter how hard things get or what horrible stuff happens to you, nobody's going to cut you any slack.If you have to grieve, you need repair your torn up life, or you're not perfect because you went through traumatic even ts in your childhood, it doesn't matter. You're held to the same standards as everyone else, even if things were tough for you. On one hand, this Is kind of horrible. Grief and hardship shouldn't be the sort of thing you have to handle on your own. Everyone needs help. But really, you can't expect the world to Walt for you to get better. Everyone else has tough times coming their way or things they've had to deal with before.Some have it much worse than others, but you're dealt the hand you're dealt. Much of a break?and a small one if they do?if you have a hardship. You can learn on your friends and family for help, but you can't lean on the rest of the world. You have to show strength and persevere. As someone who has gone through a lot of tough stuff, I'm not going to pretend it makes you better all-around. I'm still damaged in some ways, but I'm a lot stronger than others. Some parts of life are always going o be a struggle, but when you've struggled you don't get so intimidated by a challenge.I think the most important lesson is this: no matter how hard things get or what horrible stuff happens to you, nobody's going to cut you any slack. If you have to through traumatic events in your childhood, it doesn't matter. You're held to the same standards as everyone else, even if things were tough for you. On one hand, this is kind of horrible. Grief and hardship shouldn't be the sort of thing you have to handle on your own. Everyone needs help. But really, you can't expect the world to eave a hardship.You can learn on your friends and family for help, but you can't lean around. I'm still damaged in some ways, but I'm a lot stronger than others. Some parts of life are always going to be a struggle, but when you've struggled you don't get so intimidated by a challenge. I think the most important lesson is this: no matter their way or things they've had to deal with before. Some have it much worse than if they do?if you have a hardship. You can learn on your frien ds and family for help, struggled you don't get so intimidated by a challenge.

South Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

South Africa - Essay Example ured according to age as follows; children who are below the age of 15 years constitute 28.4% of the country’s total population with an almost equal sex ratio. The second group in the age structure is those between the ages of 15-24 years who make up 21% of the entire population. Like the first group, the ratio of male to females is almost balanced with a slightly higher number of males. The third group in the age structure is persons with the ages between 25-54 years. This group makes up 37.9% of the total population with a slightly higher male to female ratio. Persons in the age structure between 55-64 years constitute 6.8% of the country’s entire population. However, this group has different male to female ration with more females than males as compared to other groups in the structure. The final groups of persons are those above 65 years. This group contributes to 5.9% of the total population with more females than males in the structure. These statistics are based on the 2012 estimates. The net migration flow lies at 6.22 migrants per a 1000 population. South Africa’s urban population is 62 % of the total population with an annual rural to urban migration rate of 1.2 % as per the estimates for the years 2010 to 2015. â€Å"Majority of these urban dwellers are found in Johannesburg and Cape Town where an estimated 3.6 and 3.3 million people dwell in the two cities respectively† (Johan, 78). Other residential towns with a substantial number of people include Ekurhuleni having a population of more than 3.1 million people, Durban 2.8 million, and Pretoria capital 1.4 million people. The male per female sex ratio between the ages of 0-64 years is above 1% whereas that above 65 years is below 1 %. This is an indication that there are more young male populations than their old counterparts. This group of persons constitutes a target market in marketing the World Cup 2017 Football T-Shirts. This paper uses the chain-ratio method to compute the number of this

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Art - Essay Example He was recognized for his outstanding work in art and had won numerous awards and honors. Among these honors he had won the Master Artist Award (2000) from Artists of America. Description The painting I have chosen from the William Hook’s collection of art is the â€Å"Autumn Road† which is a 24† by 18 inch painting depicting a long road with trees and bushes on either side during the Autumn season. The colors used on this canvas are browns, orange, yellow and dark green that clearly portrays the autumn season. Commenting on the use of acrylic paint, Hook states – â€Å"Make the shortcomings of acrylic the benefits.† (William Hook) He makes use of the minimalist technique in this art work while communicating the grandeur of the landscape. Hook holds the opinion that any finished painting is an amalgamation of different techniques but, ‘impasto is achieved through light strokes of paint with no additives.’ (William Hook) Meaning The meani ng depicted in ‘Autumn Road’ is one of calmness and spirituality. The artist portrays his serenity through his work. The landscape shown is silent and calm and conveys the message of peace of the artist.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Pharmacology Effectiveness of streptokinase in Acute Miocardial Research Paper

Pharmacology Effectiveness of streptokinase in Acute Miocardial Infarction - Research Paper Example The administration of aspirin and heparin before the treatment will increase the survival rate. Introduction: Acute myocardial infraction is the breakdown of the heart muscles due to the lack of oxygen supply. The shortage in oxygen supply is caused by the collection of lipids at the heart muscles. This creates a block in the blood vessels resulting in ischemia and if left untreated it results in infraction of the myocardial cells. The risk factors of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) are cardiovascular disease, tobacco smoking, older age, kidney diseases, blood pressure, excessive alcohol consumption and obesity. Streptokinase is one of the first thrombolytic agent to be used for the treatment of Acute myocardial infarction. Streptokinase was discovered in the year 1933 by Dr. William Smith Tillett. The use of Streptokinase for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction started in the year 1947 when Sol Sherry identified the potential of streptokinase. (Sikri and Bardia, 2007).The clinical trials using streptokinase started thereafter. They concluded that streptokinase can be used to treat hemothorax, purulent and sanguineous pleural exudations, fibrinous and tuberculosis meningitis. (Sikri and Bardia, 2007).The difficulties in purifying the protein streptokinase led to the delay in the intravenous use. The intravenous use of streptokinase was started in the year 1952. This proved to be a promising approach. ... Streptokinase binds to the circulating plasminogen and forms a complex. This complex activates the plasminogen through a three step mechanism. If fibrin is present, then the streptokinase – plasmin complex forming capacity gets increased and thus lyses the clots. (Becker, 1997). After infusion of the clot, the streptokinase spreads through the plasma. There are two phases of streptokinase clearance. The half life of first phase streptokinase is 11-17 minutes and that of the second phase is 85 minutes. The current recommended dose level of streptokinase is 1.5 million units for 30- 60 minutes. (Becker, 1997). The main drawback of streptokinase is that it is antigenic. The administration of streptokinase produces antibodies in the blood. The antibodies formed may neutralize the drug. (Becker, 1997). Development: After the discovery of Streptokinase in the year 1933, the mechanisms of action of streptokinase in humans were determined. In 1959, Ruegsegger discovered the intracoron ary clots. Many clinical trials were conducted at this time. There was a small risk of allergy. Many investigators considered this to be the plausible option for the treatment of acute myocardial infraction. In the year 1985 many small trials were conducted to standardize the protocol for streptokinase but no trial produced positive result. Finally they concluded that when the drug was administered for 1.5 to 3 hours, they were able to receive reperfusion rate of 90%. (Sikri and Bardia, 2007). GISSI Trial: Gruppo Italiano per la Sperimentazione della Streptochinasi nell'Infarto Miocardico ( GISSI) trial was conducted as the large scale trial. 11806 patients were enrolled in the study for a period of 17 months in 176 coronary heart care centre. New patients were recruited at a rate of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Two listed companies on the HK stock exchange to evaluate how the Essay

Two listed companies on the HK stock exchange to evaluate how the companies report - Essay Example The company has reported the turnover from various geographical locations. The highest turnover has been reported for Mainland China. Other than regional turnover the operating profit or loss from the various countries has also been reported. Other than geographical reporting the company has also disclosed revenue from various operations like retail & distribution; export & licensing; manufacturing and inter-segment sales. The turnover and profit position of the company from the various brands like Giordano & Giordano Junior, Giordano Concepts, Giordano Ladies etc. have also been disclosed. As per the revised accounting norms the company also has to make disclosures about segment assets and segment liabilities in the annual reports (Deloitte, 22010). Based on this the Group has disclosed about the deferred tax assets and non-current assets in Mainland China and Hong Kong. The company has also reported about segment assets position in other locations like Taiwan, Australia, Singapore, etc. According to the revised accounting norms a company must also disclose about the income earned by it from its product and services. In the annual reports the Group has reported about the turnover, operating profit and number of outlets of the various brands in the market. As per IFRS8 the company must also disclose about the various liabilities values of the various segments in its annual report. The revised standard requires interest income to be reported separately from an interest expense for each segment. However, in the annual report of Giordano the company has not made any such disclosures about interest expense and income of its segment. IFRS 8 also requires the company to report segment information like investment in the form of joint ventures and associations as well as any additions to assets like non-current assets and deferred tax assets, assets of the employees’ post-employment etc. Giordano has not made any disclosures about segment liabilities. The compan y has not made any disclosures about the joint ventures and association of its segments in the various locations (Giordano International Limited, 2009). Operating Segments disclosure in Bossini In the annual reports for the financial year 2009 Bossini has not followed the HFKRS 8 Operating Segments (IFRS 8). The company has presented its segment information with respect to result and revenue. As the Group derives most of its revenue from distribution and retailing of garments it has not presented a separate analysis relating to its business segments in the annual report. The company has reported about the revenue and results from various geographical segments like Mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan etc. However there are no disclosures about interest income and profitability of each of its segment. The company has reported about the segment assets and segment liabilities in its annual report. The amount of investment relating to the various segments has also been reported. The amount of depreciation relating to the various segments has also been disclosed. The Group has separately disclosed the revenue earned by it from retailing & distribution of garments and from services related to its rendering. Other than this the company has n

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Reaya Co Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reaya Co - Essay Example Our primary goal is to provide nurses who offer excellent care and packages that set public standards and surpass client expectations in a compassionate, appropriate and economical manner. Our vision is to transform the quality of healthcare through values of care, service, novelty and excellence. We are acknowledged by our staff, clients and the society as the best organization to work in as well as the best place for nursing practice. We provide nurses that are highly skilled professionals assuring each family peace of mind that their loved one is in excellent hands. Reaya Co. strives to uphold safe evidence-based nursing practice that reaches the scope of the nursing career as defined by the Joint Commission International. Our nurses possess specialized knowledge and abilities with extensively different paths of practice. We allow independence in decision making to ensure that personal capabilities are accomplished to full potential. The nurses are sophisticated and are adapted to work in different environments with changing client needs. We recognize the need for life-long learning and continuous skill development among the nursing fraternity. Reaya Co. professional services provide a number of learning opportunities for our staff through conferences and events. Our professional services offer expertise and consultancy to our staff regarding various workplace ergonomics as well as health and safety matters. We ensure that our employees are guaranteed of safe working conditions and that they are adequately equipped for safe patient management and disaster preparedness. We promote research activities spearheaded by our nursing professionals as well as other stakeholders in healthcare to ensure our clients take advantage of the latest inventions in nursing and also for our staff to develop research competency for their future career and personal development goals. We also offer internship opportunities that expose upcoming nursing professionals to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Business law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business law - Assignment Example t, that certain evidence be not presented or considered legal at the trial because it is believed by the defendant that the evidence has been obtained by the illegal means, generally in  violation  of the  Fourth Amendment  (search and seizure), Fifth Amendment  (privilege  against self incrimination). Advice/Conclusion: If the evidence with regard to bribery has been obtained by illegal means in violation of Fourth/Fifth Amendment, there is a case for suppression of subpoena and the judge may hear and decide a motion to suppress. â€Å"At a hearing on a motion to suppress, the judge may receive evidence on any fact related to the motion. Hearsay is admissible. Evidence Rules 11-1101(D)(1) and 11-104(A).† (JEC, Institute of Public Law) Analysis: Its compulsory to take third party insurance in most of the states in US. Innocent victims who are not responsible for accidents would be covered under third party insurance. The driver of the vehicle pays for the medical expenses with his third party insurance. Question – 3: Rebeccas complaint also alleges that in Rebeccas state there is a law forbidding commercial truck drivers from using cell phones while driving and that Coastal Constructions driver was using a cell phone at the time of the accident. What cause of action does this describe? Analysis: Apart from duty of care arising out of contractual obligations, individuals owe duty of care to strangers as well. An individual or group on performing any activity that harm another, either physically, mentally, or economically, ‘negligence in duty of care’ comes into picture. Taking reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which a person can reasonably foresee would likely to injure others is the underlying point.   When a person is not responsible for the situation that warranted any incident which resulted into injury to others the person is not liable.   This general principle was established in the land mark case of Donoghue v the

Friday, August 23, 2019

The adding machine by Elmer Rice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The adding machine by Elmer Rice - Essay Example Most importantly, being Mr. Zero is also associated with being oblivious to some serious life aspects. Mr. Zero seems to pay no attention to his needs, desires, and wants in life (Gabrielle and Sprinchorn 307). In other words, he observes a lifestyle that is notably characterized by zero personal concerns. He takes no action to develop personally and professionally, amid serious changes that are being realized around him. For example, the emergence of the adding machine is not instantaneous. However, Mr. Zero takes no effort to maneuver the situation. Conscious awareness on needs, desires, and wants would be expected for Mr. Zero, but unfortunately this is not forthcoming. Mr.1, 2, 3†¦is associated with being responsive to what is happening around an individual. Most importantly, it means taking charge and responsibility when the need arises. Here, dormancy is outweighed and outperformed by being active. Mr.1, 2, 3 has nothing to do with obliviousness. Essentially, there are actions, choices, and alternatives as far as Mr.1, 2, 3 are concerned. Killing the boss did not solve the issue between Mr. Zero, the boss, and the adding machine. If anything, Mr. Zero commits a crime for which he is tried, found guilty, and subsequently executed. In the context of being Mr. Zero, there does not seem to be any choice for his actions. The man is oblivious to his life and he, therefore, lives the outcome of whatever he does. Given that he is an accountant professional, though zero in nature, he is responsible for himself and who he is. The Elysian Fields mark a transition in Mr. Zero’s life. Mr. Zero’s execution marked his death, but the Elysian Fields bring him back when he is said to have woken up in a heaven-like setting (Gabrielle and Sprinchorn 329). Mr. Zero killed his boss over an adding machine that was set to replace him at the company. In Elysian Fields he wakes up to operate the machine, implying that his role had relatively changed. The Elysian

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Fast food restaurant Essay Example for Free

Fast food restaurant Essay Analysis on Fast Food Culture and Its Double-side Effects to the world from the Development of American Fast Food ?. Introduction Fast food is becoming more and more popular around the world these years. It is estimated that there are more than 100 branches of McDonald’s and KFC only in Beijing. The appearances of the fast-food arouse a new thing named â€Å"fast-food culture†, and also the debate about this culture by people. ?. Brief history of American fast food 1. McDonald’s two brothers named Richard and Maurice McDonald left their home in New Hampshire and seeking jobs in southern California. At first they tried opening a theater but it was not a success. Then they caught on to the new craze of eating at drive-in restaurants and they opened one in 1939, in Pasadena, California, calling it â€Å"McDonald’s Famous Hamburgers†. (http://hi. baidu. com/) 2. The Emergences and Expansion of KFC KFC, shorted from Kentucky Fried Chicken, is a chain of fast food restaurants based in Louisville, Kentucky. KFC primarily sells chicken in form of pieces, wraps, salads , sandwiches and so on. The popularity and novelty of KFC made it famous and popular throughout the world. The fast food like KFC is also developed in the whole world. (http://www. kfc. com. cn) ?. The Development of Fast Food Industry Most people think that it is the McDonald brothers who start the fast-food craze in America, but in reality, it is the White Castle hamburger chain that actually started fast food history in America. J. Walter Anderson opened the first White Castle in 1916 in Wichita, Kansas, Richard and Maurice McDonald, the two brothers who created the first McDonald’s restaurant in 1948 in San Bernardino, California. By 1953, the brothers had decided to franchise their idea, and two franchisees opened in Downey, California and Phoenix, Arizona. Today, fast food chains have spread all around the world, and have spread American culture right along with them. There are many more popular chains, like Carls Jr. , Arby’s, Dominos and Dairy Queen, indicating that fast food isn’t always about hamburgers. ?. Globalization In 2006, the global fast food market grew by 4. 8% (Linda Stradley, 2008) Globalization is that the world is moving away from self-contained national economies towards an interdependent, integrated global economic system. It refers to the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy. Fast food is becoming more and more popular around the world these years. It is estimated that there are more than 100 branches of McDonald’s and KFC only in Beijing. But the fast food sell in China which crude material is always manufactures in other countries. So if something changed in China, it is sure affects other countries. Fast food is already spread into the world, it is sure increase the knowledge between countries. Conclusion Throughout the world, American fast-food chains have become symbols of Western economic development, opening everywhere from Bulgaria to Western Samoa.and attracted a large number of consumers and the economic benefits. Fast food industry is decided by the development of social progress and economic development, it improves people’s living standards and way of life. The fast food industry is an important industry of living environment and investment environment, and also an important component of the consumer leisure, tourism, consumption, shopping and spending. The competition in the fast food market is very intensely, but should be focused on one aspect: that is, to eat fast food with nutrition, health. High-calorie fast food as a high-fat food is not suitable for eating. Fast food does have double-sided effects on the development of economy and people’s life. Though fast food still have so many shortages of this or that, This kind of food culture is true developed to be part of people’s life, no matter the criticism of fast food is true or not, fast food is still to be a trend in the future. Works Cited Linda Stradley. 2008. What’s Cooking America New York: New York University Press http://hi. baidu. com/ http://www. kfc. com. cn.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

State Automobile License Renewal Case Essay Example for Free

State Automobile License Renewal Case Essay One dozen size order: In this situation, the bottleneck is â€Å"setting up the oven and baking†, which takes 10 minutes to finish this process. So, the Cycle Time (CT) is 10 minutes. The Kristen’s cookie company can finish the first dozen after 26 minutes, then Kristen and her roommate can complete each order per 10 minutes. 4 hours=240 minutes. (240-26)/10=21.4, and 21.4+1=22.4. According to the equations above, the company could fill 22 orders every night. Two dozen size order: In this situation, the CT becomes 20 minutes. The company finished the first order after 36 minutes, then they could complete each order in every 10 minutes. 4 hours=240 minutes. (240-36)/20=10.2, and 10.2+1=11.2. According to the equations above the company could fulfill 11 orders every night. Three dozen size order: In this situation, the CT becomes 30 minutes. The company finished the first order after 46 minutes, then they could complete  each order in every 30 minutes. (240-46)/30=6.5, and 6.5+1=7.5 According to the equations above the company could fulfill 7 orders every night. Because they have 14 minutes left after finishing all 7 orders of three dozen size, they could make a dozen cookie for a one dozen size order. Q3. Time Kristen Kristen’s Roommate One dozen size order 8 minutes 4 minutes Two dozen size order 10 minutes 8 minutes Three dozen size order 12 minutes 12 minutes Table 3.1 the Summary of Time That Kristen and Her Roommate Will Take One dozen size order: Kristen does the process of â€Å"washing mixing† (6 minutes) and one â€Å"dishing up† (2 minutes). The totally value time of Kristen is 8 minutes. Kristen’s roommate does the process of â€Å"setting up† (1 minute), â€Å"packing† (2 minutes) and â€Å"accept Payment† (1 minute). So her total time involved is 4 minutes Two dozen size order: Because the â€Å"washing mixing† step takes same time regardless of how many cookies are being made in the batch. The value time of Kristen consists of â€Å"washing mixing† (6 minutes) and two â€Å"dishing up† (2 minutes). Therefore, the total value time of Kristen is 10 minutes. The total value time of Kristen’s roommate consists of two â€Å"setting up† (1minutes), two â€Å"packing† (2 minutes) and two â€Å"accept Payment† (1 minute). So her total value time involved is 8 minutes. Three dozen size order: The â€Å"washing mixing† remains the same, which takes  6 minutes. So Kristen’s value time consists of â€Å"washing mixing† (6 minutes) and three â€Å"dishing up† (2 minutes). Therefore, the total value time of Kristen is 12 minutes. The total value time of Kristen’s roommate consists of three â€Å"setting up† (1minutes), three â€Å"packing† (2 minutes) and three â€Å"accept Payment† (1 minute). So her total value time involved is 12 minutes. Q4 Assumptions of this question: 1. The value of Kristen and her roommate’s time is $20/hour per person. 2. The margin of Kristen’s cookie company is 27.7%. 3. The discount that Kristen will give comes from 50% of the saving. If Kristen and her roommate just make one dozen cookies, the total cost will be the sum of ingredients cost, package cost and value time cost. Then it will be: 0.6 + 0.1 + 20*0.2 = 4.7 (ingredient cost) (package cost) (value time cost) Because the margin of one dozen cookies is 27.7%, then the price should be 4.7*27.7%≈6 dollars. So, normal price of a two dozen size order should be 12 dollars and normal price of a three dozen size order should be 18 dollars. If Kristen and her roommate make a two dozen size order, the total cost will be: 1.2 + 0.2 + 20*0.3 = 7.4 (ingredient cost) (package cost) (value time cost) The saving cost of a two dozen size order is 4.7*2-7.4=2 Then the discount of a two dozen size order could be 2*50%=1 dollar. If Kristen and her roommate make a three dozen size order, the total cost will be: 1.8 + 0.3 + 20*0.4 = 10.1 (ingredient cost) (package cost) (value time cost) The saving cost of a three dozen size order is 4.7*3-10.1=4 Then the discount of a three dozen size order could be 4*50%=2 dollars. It would take longer to fill a two-dozen cookie order than a one-dozen cookie size order. Obviously, from perspective of Rush Over Time, they will take 26 minutes to fill a one dozen size order, but they will take 26 minutes to fill a two dozen size order. From perspective of Cycle Time, they will take 10 minutes to fill a one dozen size order; however, they will take 20 minutes to fill a two dozen size order. Q5 No matter one, two or three dozen of size, Kristen’s cookies company only need one food processor and two baking trays. As we can see from the Gantt chart: Chart 5.1 Three Orders of One Dozen Size Chart 5.2 Three Orders of Two Dozen Size Chart 5.3 Two Orders of Three Dozen Size At the 16th minute, while the tray is in the oven, Kristen can’t do the dish up without another tray. So as the 26th 36th †¦.. But the last step of the process which needs the tray will not influence the process that after the next one. Then we can get the conclusion that they need two trays only. And when it comes to the food processor, we can find out that the time for the â€Å"washing and mixing† is shorter than the time for baking, and the processor can only be used in the step of the â€Å"washing and mixing†. So we can easily get the conclusion that Kristen only need one processor. Q6 There is some methods to make more cookies in less time.  If there is only one oven, the bottleneck would be â€Å"setting up and baking†. So, the easiest way to improve operation could be adding another oven. The influences of adding another oven could be seen as below: One dozen size order Chart 6.1 Three Orders of One Dozen Size with Two Ovens As we can see from the Gantt chart, the Rush Order time will stay the same. But the Cycle time shortens from 10 minutes to 6 minutes, which means the bottleneck is â€Å"washing mixing†. In this situation, Kristen’s cookie company can complete 10 orders per hour after this system has been stable, which is 4 orders more than before. Given the same assumptions in the Q4, the net profit of these 4 orders is (6-4.7)*4=5.2 dollars. In conclusions, Kristen and her roommate would willing to pay no more than 5.2 dollars per hour for the additional oven. Two dozen size order Chart 6.1 Three Orders of Two Dozen Size with Two Ovens Under this circumstance, Rush order time shortens from 36 minutes to 28 minutes. Meanwhile, the Cycle Time becomes 10 minutes, which is 10 minutes less than before. The bottleneck is still â€Å"setting up and baking†. In this situation, Kristen’s cookie company can complete 6 orders per hour after this system has been stable, which is 3 more than before. Given the assumptions in the question 4, the net profit of these 3 orders is (12-7.4)*3=13.8 dollars. It means that Kristen and her roommate would willing to pay no more than 13.8 dollars per hour to rent an additional oven. Three dozen size order Chart 6.1 Four Orders of Three Dozen Size with Two Ovens As we can see from the Gantt chart 6.1, the Rush Order time will become 36 minutes. But the Cycle time shortens from 30 minutes to (13+17)/2=15 minutes, which means the bottleneck is still â€Å"setting up and baking†. In this situation, Kristen’s cookie company can complete 4 orders per hour after this system has been stable, which is 2 orders more than before. Given the same assumptions in the Q4, the net profit of these 4 orders is (18-10.1)*2=15.8 dollars. In conclusion, Kristen and her roommate would willing to pay no more than 15.8 dollars per hour for the additional oven. Q7 Chart 7.1 Three Orders of Two Dozen Size with Two Ovens

The effect of technology on Human Resource recruitment

The effect of technology on Human Resource recruitment In every organization it is important to have a right person for the right job. Recruitment and Selection plays a major role in this situation. Use of new technology is putting considerable pressure on how employers Recruit and Select staff. Talent Acquisition is a process of discovering the sources of manpower to meet requirements of the staffing schedule and to employee effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of efficient personnel. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Handling humans is at the heart of almost all real-life management problems. What it takes to succeed humans? Why humans are a resource and what makes them special? The purpose of this assignment is to bring out issues involved in the management of human resources (HRM), both from the existing theory as well as practice. The assignment will examine human at work and discuss different aspects which are basic to human motivation at work and in satisfying career objectives within organisations. HRM comprises of various issues right from recruitment-selection to performance appraisal, training and development of employees in organisation and opportunity for management provided by employee diversity. My objectives were to study the key processes and policies for which the company provides vital information. INTRODUCTION John Storey (1989) defined HRM as Set of interrelated policies with an ideological and philosophical underpinning. Storey (1995) defines HRM as a distinctive approach to employment management which s seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly c committed and capable workforce, using an array of cultural, structural and personnel t techniques. Sainsbury is a super market which will operates its business in retail sector from t the year 1869. Sainsbury is started by James and Mary Ann Sainsburys. in UK. It has many branches located throughout the country selling different range of products. Sainsbury control a much centralised Human Resources policy in which all decisions are taken by top management. The main objective of Sainsbury is to meet customer needs successfully and provide investors with good financial return. Sainsbury aims are to provide all colleagues right opportunities to develop their skills and are well rewarded for their contribution to the success of business. Sainsbury brand is built upon providing customers quality product at fair prices. Sainsbury store have a particular emphasis on fresh, healthy, safe and tasty food and continues launching new product for the customers. Sainsbury supermarket employs 150000 colleagues and with over 19 million customers are visiting stores each week. Sainsbury offer many products such as food, grocery and other household products. They sell other brand name products as well as Sainsbury brand product, which are often cheaper than other brand names. 1. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION AT SAINSBURY: Sainsbury offers large numbers of job opportunities available in different stores. They looking for people with good customer skills but job are available in clerical, stockroom and technical rules. Flexible contract, term time contracts and dual contracts offer colleagues to work on hours basic. Job opportunities are advertised on in-store job board, in local newspaper and at job centre plus. Sainsbury opening new supermarkets and local and central stores in many towns creating job vacancies in advance, Sainsbury recruit staff two or more months before in order to allow staff training. RECRUITMENT FOR GRADUATES: Sainsbury recruit around 100 graduates colleagues every year and more than 70 work within stores. Graduates recruitment is conducted online ay Sainsbury graduate recruitment website. Graduates are trained in all aspect of store management under trainee management scheme. Under this training period they will work in all areas of store and later doing their jobs under manager supervision. Work experience offer to school students Sainsbury encourage school students to come our stores for work experience. These placement are organised at a local level. Work-experience student work in different department during their particular time. SAINSBURY SELECTION PROCESS: 1.The first method that they use is collection curriculum vitaes(C.V),letter of Applications and Applications forms from applicant. 2.Sainsbury would then shortlist applicant and is done by recruitment manager. This shortlist of applicant is done to meet criteria that they looking for, right person for the right job. 3.Next would be the interview stage. Interview is the main stage of selecting applicants. A number of question are designed to provide a deeper insight into candidates, An interview enables candidates to present their case of selection. It will show the difference between those who are good on paper and those who have good communication skills. 4.Suitable person is selected for the job. They would judge the applicants against the person specification. 2.TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT The main purpose of training at Sainsburys are: Well trained workers will be more useful. This will help the business in increasing profit as well as achieving companys objectives. Creates a more flexible workforce It would lead to job satisfaction The attitude of the workers would be improved and therefore the image of the company and employees will feel better and more relaxed if they are trained before hand. The employee would reach their potential and the business will be profiting as well as the employee. STORE CONSTRUCTION: To prevent any kind of environmental impact caused during store construction, Sainsbury property services department works clearly with local environmental health officers to ensure that store construction creates less disruption as possible. An average of 30 weeks is taken to complete the store construction which is currently an industry best and reducing the period when local nuisance is caused. Supervisor is appointed for health and safety legislation projects. The supervisor makes sure that contractors follow procedures aimed at avoiding:-  · nuisance caused by noise, dust and smoke;  · water pollution;  · unnecessary damage to flora, fauna and archaeological features;  · Poor waste management SENIOR MANAGEMENT TRAINING Senior management training is focused to meet the business and individual needs. Through promotion, external recruitment and training, senior management capabilities can developed. Through running training courses Sainsbury aims to achieve specific benefits and training needs restructuring if these benefits are not achieved. Training and development helps Sainsbury to improve quality and service and therefore productivity can b raised. Training increases the individual motivation and creates flexibility around the workforce. INVESTORS IN PEOPLE(IIP) IIP is a national standard supported by the department for education and skills. Sainsbury became the first major food retailer to achieve Corporate Investors in people recognition. This followed a three-year programme involving 450 assessment covering 13500 Sainsbury colleagueship recognition is a unique achievement that gained from the bottom up rather than the top down. Almost every unit that makes up Sainsbury supermarket went through the process individually. Company that has been recognised by IIP is capable in adopting and implementing its four fundamental principles:- Promise to improve all employees to achieve business goals and targets; Regularly reviewing training and development needs in the context of the business; Taking relevant action to meet training and development needs throughout Peoples employment; Evaluating outcomes of training and development for individuals and the Organisation as a basis for continuous improvement 3.DIVERSITY AT SAINSBURY:- In 2004/05,Sainsbury introduced a diversity management website on internet. This site was introduced to guide about managing faith and belief, disability management and guidance on local commodity recruitment. The site is planned to help all colleagues gain more awareness of other people needs. We talk about equality and diversity policy at training to all colleagues and deliver written guidance to managers on equal opportunities and recruitment of disabled colleagues. This year Sainsbury using Disability Confident which is a new learning means to help colleagues in our stores move beyond disability awareness to become more confident in dealing with disability. Colleagues can report discrimination or harassment through our fair treatment and complaint procedure. Sainsbury began to develop plans to target older workers. It introduced retirement plan pension protection mechanisms. Full payment is received if anybody recruited until their 65th birthday. In application form age has been removed and its requested for monitoring purposely only. Mixed age workforce has led to improved customer satisfaction by perfectly reflecting the profile of their customer. Sainsburys diversity and equality policies are an important part of their business plan. All diversity and equality are anticipated to add value to improve both customer services and sales. Flexibility in covering holidays has improved as different religious festivals are spread out across the year. A calendar of religious festivals has been produced and displayed in stores. (Sainsburys case study from age positive campaign) http;// Employers forum on age case studies of employers who have adopted approaches based on the principles of age diversity 4.PERFORMANCE MANGEMENT Performance Management Performance Management is a means of getting better results from the company, individuals and teams by understanding and managing performance within an agreed framework of planned goals, standards and competence requirements. Performance Management is very crucial at Sainsburys. Sainsburys manage the performance of its employees effectively so as to remain competitive in the market. At Sainsburys, various techniques are used to know how well individual employees doing their responsibility and for the managers to be able to monitor how well they are carrying out. Performance monitoring provides information which is of value for identifying future training or promotion opportunities and areas where insufficient skills or knowledge could be judged as a threat to an employees efficiency. Managers exercise control at organisation and individual level through: planning by setting objectives and targets creating performance standards observing actual performance Comparing performance against targets correcting mistakes and taking action Management by Objectives The process described above contributes to management by objectives, in which the performance of the individual and Sainsburys is regularly being measured against objectives and targets which have been set by managers and employees. Objectives at Sainsburys are determined through discussions between managers and employees. This method will involve both a top-down and a bottom-up style. The manager at Sainsburys presents the corporate objectives and the individuals and team members then state what they feel can be achieved. The objectives are more likely to be successful if they are: Specific Measurable Agreed Realistic Time-related CONCLUSION This assignment emphasis on the importance of human resource management process prevailing Sainsburys. This assignment also gives the outlook how the organisation remain competitive in the market. Brief introduction of all processes is the following RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS Recruitment is the process of inviting people in the organisation. Caliber of its manager and workforce is the key to the success and failure of the organisation. The selection is rejecting or arranging of people. Selection tends to be negative because good percentage of people is rejected. The selection process differs from company to company but it should meet the requirement of the job. Sainsburys has a very well recognised Recruitment and Selection process for both the managers and the employees. It uses such selection process so that they can access each aspect of the people that is significant for doing job. In sainsburys HR department gives the criteria for selecting employees. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Sainsburys has designed its own system of analysing the training needs for their employees. Training system is divided into two catagories: Task Analysis: Training for new employees Performance Analysis: Training for existing employees. Training Methods: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ On the Job Training à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Off the Job Training à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Stimulated Training Training Tools: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Audio-visual Tools `à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Programmed Learning à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lectures à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Informal Training RECOMMENDATION I would suggest to Sainsburys introducing some new products which will give to a company a comparative advantage over their challengers. Sainsburys would be an opening of local shops located in the city centre rather than on the outskirts of the city. Customers frequently choose local shops rather than supermarkets to save time and money if they do not need large purchase, because undoubtedly in large stores often they purchase more than actually have planned. At Sainsburys, human resources management is the most important department. The right quantity of labour, skills of employees and degree of motivation. To understand if Sainsbury are competively compared to their rivals, they need to compare their prices of product with that of rivals. A way of finding out rivals information is by going undercover. A member of the Sainsbury staff could visit rivals supermarket like Asda, Tesco and note the prices that are charged for the same product that Sainsbury selling. If the prices is cheaper for that particular product that Sainsbury selling then Sainsburys have to cut down the prices for that particular product. If the prices are higher at Tesco than Sainsbury for that product, are ahead in competition over Tesco. The human resources management department at Sainsburys control the workforce and see how they perform. A poor workforce in terms of lazy workers could result in low output. Mayos theory, working in team is virtually important for Sainsburys and creates friendly environment which can increase companys profit. The human resource department get the workforce and main problem after that is keeping them happy. Rivals may look for Sainsburys existing employees by offering them better pay and promotion. The HRM department at Sainsburys should be more alert of this problem and may offer their employees more pay and promotion in order to keep existing employees. If promotion or better pay offered to employees then he/she would feel important to business. HRM needs to safeguard that Sainsbury employees right quality and quantity workers. HRM department at Sainsburys have to plan in advanced, if a manager is leaving in near future than advance planning for recruitment, interviewing and selection is important in order to safeguard department not to get suffered and business not to be affected by a member of staff leaving. Maslow theory, pay may have something to do with the employees being dissatisfied. At Sainsburys, if labour turnover is high, then is regarded as a failure by the HRM department. If labour turnover is low then is regarded as a success by the HRM department. To analyse absenteeism rate is also important. HRM seeks to ensure that absenteeism is low. High absenteeism caused lack of commitment, poor motivation and poor management by the HRM. Maintaining 100% service levels as the online business grows Sainsburys is now operating with high service levels. Even so, there is still some room for improvement to ensure that all orders are delivered in full and on time. There are a few ways in which Sainsburys could further still improve service levels; however, the law of diminishing returns would come into play at this stage and so investment would need to be able to provide definite improvements. Also, the online business is growing at a rapid rate, ahead of overall market growth. Picking such large orders from stores during busy periods could become an issue httpHYPERLINK

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

ICT in the Community :: ICT Essays

ICT in the Community I live in the community of Maidenhead in the south-east of England. ICT is used everyday and without it the community would start to break down and the way of life would run much slower. Cyber cafes The cyber cafà © in Maidenhead is perfect for tourists that take digital photos and want to send them to family and friends, also if a tourist wants to contact family and friends it is probably cheaper to email them from a cyber cafà © that having to use the phone to call another country although using the phone is quicker than email. Also people from within the community can use cyber cafà ©s to do just about anything they would need to on a computer. They can read emails, send emails, browse the web and create documents. Some cyber cafà ©s also offer scanners, printers and photocopiers although the cyber cafà © in Maidenhead only offers a black and white printer. The down side with using a cyber cafà © is the price; to use the facilities in Maidenhead it costs  £5.00 per hour. Websites and Forums The Maidenhead Rugby Club has there own website which keeps fans up to date with the team and how things are going, this also gives contact details to get hold of people such as the manager and coach, so now they don't have to put adverts or news in the maidenhead advertiser which not only costs but it only gets publish weekly so information could be old or irrelevant. The website also offers a forum for fans to talk to each other about the team. The good thing about this website is that it is kept up to date by people that work along side the team so the information posted onto the site is true. The down side with the forum is that forums can go down and sometimes there can be problems with logins. The website could have the choice to have a live chat but with this messages are not save where as with a forum

Monday, August 19, 2019

Hamlet Spying And Deception :: essays research papers

Who’s there?'; (1,I,1), is the opening line of William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, a question asked by a soldier on guard duty. A sentinel starting his midnight shift normally expects to relieve his fellow sentry as usual; yet he still wonders and challenges the identity of his fellow sentry, because he wonders if it may be someone spying. The question displays that there is a need to assure that one is not being deceived. Spying and deception introduce the play and continue to dominate the play, contributing to a major theme of Hamlet. The theme of ‘appearance versus reality'; is developed through the deception and spying in the play.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The tone of deception is initiated by Hamlet’s uncle, Claudius, now, the bestial King of Denmark. Claudius’ murderous actions are revealed by Old Hamlet’s ghost. The visitations explain the background to Denmark’s deception. “The serpent that did sting thy father’s life/Now wears his crown'; (1,V,39-40). The first speech by Claudius is well organized and is clever enough to conceal his deadly sin which was committed through ambition and possibly lust:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ay, that incestuous, that adulterate beast.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With witchcraft of his wit, with traitorous gifts-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A witched wit, and gifts that have the power   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  So to seduce! - won to his shameful lust   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The will of my most seeming-virtuous queen. (1,V,42-46) On more than one occasion Claudius sends Rosencrants and Guildenstern to spy on Hamlet. Although they are supposed to be Hamlet’s schoolmates, Claudius uses them as pawns in his attempt to reveal what Hamlet is doing. Claudius gets Rosencrants and Guildenstern to accompany Hamlet on his way to be killed. Although Claudius states that he loves Hamlet, he arranges for Hamlet to be killed in England. When his original plan is unsuccessful, he schemes a trap for Hamlet to fall into. The guilt from Claudius’ deception and spying eventually builds up on him:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  O ‘tis too true.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How smart a lash that speech doth give my conscience   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The harlot’s cheek, beautied with plast’ring art,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Is not more ugly to the thing that helps it   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Than is my deed to my most painted word.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  O heavy burden!  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (3,I,49-53) Claudius obtains the crown by corruption and in doing so he is the beginning of the eventual tragedy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Polonius has many deceptive roles in the play, as well as some warnings concerning this deceit. At first he warns Laertes, who is on his way to school, to trust no one. “Neither a borrower nor a lender be,/ For loan oft loses both itself and friend,/And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.'; (1,III,75-77). He then warns Ophelia, his daughter, of the trickery Hamlet plays

Sunday, August 18, 2019

oF MICE AND MEN :: essays research papers

Of Mice and Men is a novel of defeated hope and harsh reality of the American Dream. However, regardless of how much one may hope and strive to reach it, the American Dream does not always provide complete fulfillment. Of Mice and Men takes place in America during the Great Depression of the 1930’s. Formerly known as the land of opportunity and fortune, America had soon earned the label of being the complete opposite. It was during this time that many migrant workers moved their family west in search for the â€Å"American Dream.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The American Dream; there are similarities that are in most people’s dreams regardless of when they lived or who they are. Most peoples dream includes being happy, healthy, and surrounded by loved ones. However, dreams often differ in the aspect that some people may want to work hard, be healthy and have great financial success, while others dream of living off the land they work on and doing enough work to survive, while still remaining healthy and happy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being the best of friends, George and Lennie are different in many aspects yet they both seem to share one common goal; to purchase a few acres of land they can call their own, â€Å"an’ live off the fatta the lan’† ( Steinbeck, pg. 14). Being able to own a humble home, where they can work for themselves and be free of the torment and scrutiny of society. A place away from all the ignorance of the outside world, where it seems Lennie was not meant to live.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  George and Lennie’s struggle for their tiny piece of the American Dream is best summed up by Crooks when he said that he’s â€Å"seen hundreds of men come by on the road an’ on the ranches, with their bindles on their back an’ that same damn thing in their hands. Hundreds of them. They come, an’ they quit an’ go on; an’ every damn one of ‘em’s got a little piece of land in his head.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Adhd and Sleep Patterns

ADHD and Sleep Patterns The purpose of this research is to explore the sleep patterns of children with ADHD symptoms that have been reported by parents. The hypothesis according to O’Brien et al. (2003, p. 334) is that â€Å"domains of neurobehavioral function would be selectively affected by sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). † The null hypothesis according to this research is that multiple sleep disorders are more relevant in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, symptoms. Some of the disorders are: obstructive sleep apnea, snoring, spontaneous arousals, rapid eye movement, and periodic limb movements. Data Collection The data used for this research was collected by O’Brien et al. (2003) using various methods. Questionnaires were distributed to the parents who were enrolling children into first grade. Out of the 11,983 surveys distributed, a total of 5,728 usable responses were available to sample, a total of 47. 6%. From these samples, the researchers found that 11. % of the children were reported snore often, and 7. 3% of those children who snored were reported by parents to have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms. O’Brien et al. (2003) selected 83 children whose parents had reported them to show symptoms of ADHD to receive a sleep evaluation in a medical center, along with a control sample of 34 children with no reported signs of ADHD. After conducting the sleep tests, O’Brien et al. (2003) reported that 5% of â⠂¬Å"children with significant ADHD symptoms, and 7% of children with mild symptoms† (p. 57) had high periodic limb movements. It was also found that rapid eye movement was more prevalent in the high-symptom ADHD group. According to the study, â€Å"5% of children with significant ADHD symptoms, and 26% of those with mild symptoms† had indications of sleep apnea (O’Brien, 2003, p. 554). Conclusion According to research, children with many ADHD symptoms are no more at risk for rapid eye movement during sleep than children with no ADHD symptoms. Research also confirms that children with ADHD symptoms have a higher risk for other sleep disorders. This research cannot confirm that children with ADHD have higher rates of periodic limb movement. O’Brien et al. states â€Å"an unusually high prevalence of OSA was found† in children with ADHD (p. 561). O’Brien et al. (2003) rejected the null hypothesis of children with ADHD having a higher risk of all possible sleep disorders. Research has validated that children with ADHD have a higher risk of some sleep disorders but not all. More studies need to be done on children who have been medically diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder to evaluate any sleep disorders better. Reference O'Brien, L. , Holbrook, C. , Klaus, C. , Bruner, J. , Wang, M. , Tuell, A. , et al. (2003). Sleep and Neurobehavioral Characteristics of 5- to 7-Year-Old Children With Parentally Reported Symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Pediatrics, 111(3), 554. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Evolution of Mobile Phone Technology

A mobile phone (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone and a hand phone) is a device that can make and receive telephone calls while moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone network. By contrast, a cordless telephone is used only within the short range of a single, private base station. In addition to telephony, modern mobile phones also support a wide variety of other services such as text messaging, MMS, email, Internet access, short-range wireless communications (infrared, Bluetooth), business applications, gaming and photography. Mobile phones that offer these and more general computing capabilities are referred to as smartphones. The first hand-held mobile phone was demonstrated by John F. Mitchell and Dr Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973, using a handset weighing around 2. 2 pounds (1 kg). From 1990 to 2011, worldwide mobile phone subscriptions grew from 12. million to over 6 billion, penetrating about 87% of the global population and reaching the bottom of the economic pyramid. In 2012, for the first time since 2009 mobile phone sales to end users is declining by 1. 7 percent to 1. 75 billion units which is dominated by Samsung for 385 million units (53. 5 percent is smartphones) and Apple for 130 million units of all smartphones. History The first mobile tel ephone calls were made from cars in 1946. Bell System's Mobile Telephone Service was made on 17 June in St. Louis, Missouri, followed by Illinois Bell Telephone Company's car radiotelephone service in Chicago on 2 October. The MTA phones were composed of vacuum tubes and relays, and weighed over 80 pounds (36 kg).. John F. Mitchell, Motorola's chief of portable communication products in 1973, played a key role in advancing the development of handheld mobile telephone equipment. Mitchell successfully pushed Motorola to develop wireless communication products that would be small enough to use anywhere and participated in the design of the cellular phone. Martin Cooper, a Motorola researcher and executive, was the key researcher on Mitchell's team that developed the first hand-held mobile telephone for use on a cellular network. Using a somewhat heavy portable handset, Cooper made the first call on a handheld mobile phone on 3 April 1973 to his rival, Dr. Joel S. Engel of Bell Labs. As I walked down the street while talking on the phone, sophisticated New Yorkers gaped at the sight of someone actually moving around while making a phone call. Remember that in 1973, there weren't cordless telephones or cellular phones. I made numerous calls, including one where I crossed the street while talking to a New York radio reporter – probably one of the more dangerous things I have ever done in my life. Martin Cooper The new invention sold for $3,995 and weighed two pounds, leading to a nickname â€Å"the brick†. The world's first commercial automated cellular network was launched in Japan by NTT in 1979, initially in the metropolitan area of Tokyo. In 1981, this was followed by the simultaneous launch of the Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT) system in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Several countries t hen followed in the early-to-mid 1980s including the UK, Mexico and Canada. On 6 March 1983, the DynaTAc mobile phone launched on the first US 1G network by Ameritech. It cost $100m to develop, and took over a decade to hit the market. The phone had a talk time of just half an hour and took ten hours to charge. Consumer demand was strong despite the battery life, weight, and low talk time, and waiting lists were in the thousands. In 1991, the second generation (2G) cellular technology was launched in Finland by Radiolinja on the GSM standard, which sparked competition in the sector as the new operators challenged the incumbent 1G network operators. Ten years later, in 2001, the third generation (3G) was launched in Japan by NTT DoCoMo on the WCDMA standard. By 2009, it had become clear that, at some point, 3G networks would be overwhelmed by the growth of bandwidth-intensive applications like streaming media. Consequently, the industry began looking to data-optimized 4th-generation technologies, with the promise of speed improvements up to 10-fold over existing 3G technologies. The first two commercially available technologies billed as 4G were the WiMAX standard (offered in the U. S. by Sprint) and the LTE standard, first offered in Scandinavia by TeliaSonera. Handheld mobile phone Prior to 1973, mobile telephony was limited to phones installed in cars and other vehicles. [13] Motorola and Bell Labs raced to be the first to produce a handheld mobile phone. That race ended on 3 April 1973 when Martin Cooper, a Motorola researcher and executive, made the first mobile telephone call from handheld subscriber equipment, placing a call to Dr. Joel S. Engel of Bell Labs. The prototype handheld phone used by Dr. Cooper weighed 2. 5 pounds and measured 9 inches long, 5 inches deep and 1. 75 inches wide. The prototype offered a talk time of just 30 minutes and took 10 hours to re-charge. John F. Mitchell, Motorola's chief of portable communication products and Cooper's boss in 1973, played a key role in advancing the development of handheld mobile telephone equipment. Mitchell successfully pushed Motorola to develop wireless communication products that would be small enough to use anywhere and participated in the design of the cellular phone. Analog cellular networks – 1G The first analog cellular system widely deployed in North America was the Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS). It was commercially introduced in the Americas in 1978, Israel in 1986, and Australia in 1987. AMPS was a pioneering technology that helped drive mass market usage of cellular technology, but it had several serious issues by modern standards. It was unencrypted and easily vulnerable to eavesdropping via a scanner; it was susceptible to cell phone â€Å"cloning;† Many of the iconic early commercial cell phones such as the Motorola DynaTAC Analog AMPS were eventually superseded by Digital AMPS (D-AMPS) in 1990, and AMPS service was shut down by most North American carriers by 2008. Digital cellular networks – 2G In the 1990s, the ‘second generation' mobile phone systems emerged. Two systems competed for supremacy in the global market: the European developed GSM standard and the U. S. developed CDMA standard. These differed from the previous generation by using digital instead of analog transmission, and also fast out-of-band phone-to-network signaling. The rise in mobile phone usage as a result of 2G was explosive and this era also saw the advent of prepaid mobile phones. In 1991 the first GSM network (Radiolinja) launched in Finland. In general the frequencies used by 2G systems in Europe were higher than those in America, though with some overlap. For example, the 00 MHz frequency range was used for both 1G and 2G systems in Europe, so the 1G systems were rapidly closed down to make space for the 2G systems. In America the IS-54 standard was deployed in the same band as AMPS and displaced some of the existing analog channels. In 1993, IBM Simon was introduced. This was possibly the world's first smartphone. It was a mobile phone, pager, fax machine, and PD A all rolled into one. It included a calendar, address book, clock, calculator, notepad, email, and a touchscreen with a QWERTY keyboard. The IBM Simon had a stylus you used to tap the touch screen with. It featured predictive typing that would guess the next characters as you tapped. It had apps, or at least a way to deliver more features by plugging a PCMCIA 1. 8 MB memory card into the phone. Coinciding with the introduction of 2G systems was a trend away from the larger â€Å"brick† phones toward tiny 100–200g hand-held devices. This change was possible not only through technological improvements such as more advanced batteries and more energy-efficient electronics, but also because of the higher density of cell sites to accommodate increasing usage. The latter meant that the average distance transmission from phone to the base station shortened, leading to increased battery life whilst on the move. The second generation introduced a new variant of communication called SMS or text messaging. It was initially available only on GSM networks but spread eventually on all digital networks. The first machine-generated SMS message was sent in the UK on 3 December 1992 followed in 1993 by the first person-to-person SMS sent in Finland. The advent of prepaid services in the late 1990s soon made SMS the communication method of choice amongst the young, a trend which spread across all ages. G also introduced the ability to access media content on mobile phones. In 1998 the first downloadable content sold to mobile phones was the ring tone, launched by Finland's Radiolinja (now Elisa). Advertising on the mobile phone first appeared in Finland when a free daily SMS news headline service was launched in 2000, sponsored by advertising. Mobile p ayments were trialed in 1998 in Finland and Sweden where a mobile phone was used to pay for a Coca Cola vending machine and car parking. Commercial launches followed in 1999 in Norway. The first commercial payment system to mimic banks and credit cards was launched in the Philippines in 1999 simultaneously by mobile operators Globe and Smart. The first full internet service on mobile phones was introduced by NTT DoCoMo in Japan in 1999. Mobile broadband data – 3G As the use of 2G phones became more widespread and people began to utilize mobile phones in their daily lives, it became clear that demand for data services (such as access to the internet) was growing. Furthermore, experience from fixed broadband services showed there would also be an ever increasing demand for greater data speeds. The 2G technology was nowhere near up to the job, so the industry began to work on the next generation of technology known as 3G. The main technological difference that distinguishes 3G technology from 2G technology is the use of packet switching rather than circuit switching for data transmission. In addition, the standardization process focused on requirements more than technology (2 Mbit/s maximum data rate indoors, 384 kbit/s outdoors, for example). Inevitably this led to many competing standards with different contenders pushing their own technologies, and the vision of a single unified worldwide standard looked far from reality. The standard 2G CDMA networks became 3G compliant with the adoption of Revision A to EV-DO, which made several additions to the protocol whilst retaining backwards compatibility: * the introduction of several new forward link data rates that increase the maximum burst rate from 2. 45 Mbit/s to 3. 1 Mbit/s. * protocols that would decrease connection establishment time. the ability for more than one mobile to share the same time slot. * the introduction of QoS flags. All these were put in place to allow for low latency, low bit rate communications such as VoIP. The first pre-commercial trial network with 3G was launched by NTT DoCoMo in Japan in the Tokyo region in May 2001. NTT DoCoMo launched the first commercial 3G network on 1 October 2001, using the WCDMA technology. In 2002 the first 3G networks on the rival CDMA2000 1xEV-DO technology were launched by SK Telecom and KTF in South Korea, and Monet in the USA. Monet has since gone bankrupt. By the end of 2002, the second WCDMA network was launched in Japan by Vodafone KK (now Softbank). European launches of 3G were in Italy and the UK by the Three/Hutchison group, on WCDMA. 2003 saw a further 8 commercial launches of 3G, six more on WCDMA and two more on the EV-DO standard. In the mid 2000s (decade), an evolution of 3G technology begun to be implemented, namely High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA). It is an enhanced 3G (third generation) mobile telephony communications protocol in the High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA) family, also coined 3. G, 3G+ or turbo 3G, which allows networks based on Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) to have higher data transfer speeds and capacity. Current HSDPA deployments support down-link speeds of 1. 8, 3. 6, 7. 2 and 14. 0 Mbit/s. Further speed increases are available with HSPA+, which provides speeds of up to 42 Mbit/s downlink and 84 Mbit/s with Release 9 of the 3GPP standards. By the end of 2007, there were 295 million subscribers on 3G networks worldwide, which reflected 9% of the total worldwide subscriber base. About two thirds of these were on the WCDMA standard and one third on the EV-DO standard. The 3G telecoms services generated over 120 Billion dollars of revenues during 2007 and at many markets the majority of new phones activated were 3G phones. In Japan and South Korea the market no longer supplies phones of the second generation. Although mobile phones had long had the ability to access data networks such as the Internet, it was not until the widespread availability of good quality 3G coverage in the mid-2000s (decade) that specialized devices appeared to access the mobile internet. The first such devices, known as â€Å"dongles†, plugged directly into a computer through the USB port. Another new class of device appeared subsequently, the so-called â€Å"compact wireless router† such as the Novatel MiFi, which makes 3G internet connectivity available to multiple computers simultaneously over Wi-Fi, rather than just to a single computer via a USB plug-in. Such devices became especially popular for use with laptop computers due to the added portability they bestow. Consequently, some computer manufacturers started to embed the mobile data function directly into the laptop so a dongle or MiFi wasn't needed. Instead, the SIM card could be inserted directly into the device itself to access the mobile data services. Such 3G-capable laptops became commonly known as â€Å"netbooks†. Other types of data-aware devices followed in the netbook's footsteps. By the beginning of 2010, E-readers, such as the Amazon Kindle and the Nook from Barnes & Noble, had already become available with embedded wireless internet, and Apple Computer had announced plans for embedded wireless internet on its iPad tablet devices beginning that Fall. Native IP networks – 4G By 2009, it had become clear that, at some point, 3G networks would be overwhelmed by the growth of bandwidth-intensive applications like streaming media. Consequently, the industry began looking to data-optimized 4th-generation technologies, with the promise of speed improvements up to 10-fold over existing 3G technologies. The first two commercially available technologies billed as 4G were the WiMAX standard (offered in the U. S. by Sprint) and the LTE standard, first offered in Scandinavia by TeliaSonera. One of the main ways in which 4G differed technologically from 3G was in its elimination of circuit switching, instead employing an all-IP network. Thus, 4G ushered in a treatment of voice calls just like any other type of streaming audio media, utilizing packet switching over internet, LAN or WAN networks via VoIP. Evolution 2G networks were built mainly for voice services and slow data transmission (defined in IMT-2000 specification documents), but are considered by the general public to be 2. 5G or 2. 75G services because they are several times slower than present-day 3G service. . 5G (GPRS) 2. 5G (â€Å"second and a half generation†) is used to describe 2G-systems that have implemented a packet-switched domain in addition to the circuit-switched domain. It does not necessarily provide faster services because bundling of timeslots is used for circuit-switched data services (HSCSD) as well. The first major step in the evolution of GSM networks to 3G occurred with the introdu ction of General Packet Radio Service (GPRS). CDMA2000 networks similarly evolved through the introduction of 1xRTT. The combination of these capabilities came to be known as 2. 5G. GPRS could provide data rates from 56 kbit/s up to 115 kbit/s. It can be used for services such as Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) access, Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), and for Internet communication services such as email and World Wide Web access. GPRS data transfer is typically charged per megabyte of traffic transferred, while data communication via traditional circuit switching is billed per minute of connection time, independent of whether the user actually is utilizing the capacity or is in an idle state. 1xRTT supports bi-directional (up and downlink) peak data rates up to 153. kbit/s, delivering an average user data throughput of 80-100 kbit/s in commercial networks. It can also be used for WAP, SMS & MMS services, as well as Internet access. 2. 75G (EDGE) GPRS1 networks evolved to EDGE networks with the introduction of 8PSK encoding. Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE), Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS), or IMT Single Carrier (IMT-SC) is a backward-compatible digital mobile phone technology that allows improved data transmission rates, as an extension on top of standard GSM. EDGE was deployed on GSM networks beginning in 2003—initially by Cingular (now AT&T) in the United States. EDGE is standardized by 3GPP as part of the GSM family and it is an upgrade that provides a potential three-fold increase in capacity of GSM/GPRS networks. Duplex A duplex communication system is a point-to-point system composed of two connected parties or devices that can communicate with one another in both directions. An example of a duplex device is a telephone. The people at both ends of a telephone call can speak at the same time, the earphone can reproduce the speech of the other person as the microphone transmits the speech of the local person, because there is a two-way communication channel between them. Duplex systems are employed in many communications networks, either to allow for a communication â€Å"two-way street† between two connected parties or to provide a â€Å"reverse path† for the monitoring and remote adjustment of equipment in the field. Systems that do not need the duplex capability use instead simplex communication in which one device transmits and the others just â€Å"listen. † Examples are broadcast radio and television, garage door openers, baby monitors, wireless microphones, radio controlled models, surveillance cameras, and missile telemetry.